2025 European Commission Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview

2025 European Commission Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview


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2025 European Commission Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview

June 2025 EU Calendar with Holidays for printing (image format)


The European Commission (EC) plays a pivotal role in shaping the policies and regulations that govern the European Union (EU). Its annual calendar provides a detailed schedule of key events, meetings, and initiatives that will shape the EU’s agenda in the upcoming year. The 2025 European Commission Calendar outlines a comprehensive roadmap of priorities and objectives that will guide the EC’s work throughout the year.

Key Priorities for 2025

The 2025 European Commission Calendar reflects the EU’s commitment to addressing pressing challenges and seizing opportunities in key areas. The following priorities will be at the forefront of the EC’s agenda:

  • Green Transition: Accelerating the transition to a climate-neutral and sustainable Europe through ambitious climate policies, investment in renewable energy, and promotion of energy efficiency.
  • Digital Transformation: Fostering a competitive and innovative digital economy, bridging the digital divide, and ensuring cybersecurity.
  • Economic Recovery and Resilience: Supporting economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting job creation, and strengthening the EU’s economic resilience.
  • Social Justice and Inclusion: Tackling social inequalities, promoting equal opportunities, and strengthening the EU’s social dimension.
  • Security and Stability: Preserving peace and stability within the EU and beyond, addressing security threats, and strengthening cooperation in defense and foreign policy.

Key Events and Meetings

The 2025 European Commission Calendar features a packed schedule of high-level events and meetings that will drive the EU’s agenda forward. Some of the most notable events include:

  • State of the Union Address: President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen will deliver her annual State of the Union address, outlining the EC’s priorities and vision for the year ahead.
  • European Green Deal Summit: A high-level meeting bringing together EU leaders, industry representatives, and environmental organizations to discuss the implementation of the European Green Deal.
  • Digital Europe Summit: A forum for discussing the future of Europe’s digital economy, fostering innovation, and promoting digital skills.
  • European Economic and Social Summit: A gathering of social partners, including trade unions, employers’ organizations, and NGOs, to discuss economic and social issues affecting Europe.
  • European Council Meetings: Regular summits of EU leaders to discuss and adopt key decisions on EU policies and priorities.

Key Initiatives and Proposals

The 2025 European Commission Calendar also includes a range of key initiatives and proposals that will shape EU legislation and policies in the coming year. These include:

  • Fit for 55 Package: A set of legislative proposals aimed at reducing the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, including revisions to the EU Emissions Trading System and the Energy Efficiency Directive.
  • Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act: Two landmark pieces of legislation that will regulate digital platforms and services, promote competition, and protect users’ rights.
  • European Health Union: A comprehensive plan to strengthen the EU’s healthcare systems, improve preparedness for future pandemics, and promote access to affordable healthcare.
  • New Pact on Migration and Asylum: A reform of the EU’s migration and asylum policies, aimed at creating a more humane and effective approach to managing migration flows.
  • European Defense Fund: A multi-billion-euro fund to support research, development, and procurement of defense technologies, enhancing the EU’s strategic autonomy.

Outlook for 2025

The 2025 European Commission Calendar provides a clear roadmap for the EU’s priorities and objectives in the year ahead. By addressing pressing challenges and seizing opportunities, the EC aims to build a more sustainable, prosperous, and resilient Europe. The successful implementation of the calendar’s initiatives and proposals will be crucial in shaping the future of the EU and its citizens.


The 2025 European Commission Calendar is an essential tool for understanding the EU’s agenda and the key events, meetings, and initiatives that will shape the year ahead. By embracing the priorities outlined in the calendar, the EC will work towards a more sustainable, prosperous, and secure Europe for all its citizens.

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