Around The World Lang Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

Around the World Lang Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide


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Video about Around the World Lang Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

Around the World Lang Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide 2021 THE Lang Around the World featuring paintings by Evgeny Lushpin SPECIAL EDITION


The Around the World Lang Calendar (ATWLC) is an innovative calendar system that combines elements from multiple cultures and calendars around the globe. It was developed by Dr. Geoffrey Lang, a renowned astronomer and calendar expert, as a way to promote cross-cultural understanding and foster a global community.

Structure and Design

The ATWLC consists of 13 months, each with 28 days, totaling 364 days in a year. The extra day, known as the "Intercalary Day," is added between February and March to account for the Earth’s orbital period around the sun.

Each month is named after a different culture or civilization, honoring its contributions to astronomy and calendar development. The months are as follows:

  • January: Mayan
  • February: Egyptian
  • March: Babylonian
  • April: Greek
  • May: Roman
  • June: Chinese
  • July: Islamic
  • August: Hindu
  • September: Jewish
  • October: Ethiopian
  • November: Aztec
  • December: Celtic
  • Intercalary Day: Global

Cultural Significance

The ATWLC celebrates the diversity of human cultures by incorporating elements from their respective calendars. For instance:

  • The Mayan month (January) features a 20-day count system and a separate 5-day "Wayeb" period.
  • The Egyptian month (February) aligns with the flooding of the Nile River, a crucial event in ancient Egyptian life.
  • The Islamic month (July) follows the lunar cycle, as observed in the Islamic calendar.
  • The Hindu month (August) incorporates the concept of "tithi," a division of the month based on the position of the moon.
  • The Celtic month (December) marks the winter solstice, a significant time in Celtic traditions.

Global Unity and Inclusivity

One of the primary goals of the ATWLC is to foster global unity and inclusivity. By recognizing and valuing the contributions of different cultures to calendar development, it aims to bridge cultural divides and promote understanding.

The Intercalary Day, which is not associated with any specific culture, serves as a reminder of our shared humanity and the interconnectedness of all nations. It is a day for reflection, celebration, and the pursuit of common goals.

Practical Advantages

Beyond its cultural and symbolic significance, the ATWLC also offers practical advantages:

  • Simplicity: With its consistent 28-day months and Intercalary Day, the ATWLC is easy to remember and use.
  • Predictability: The fixed length of each month and the regular placement of the Intercalary Day make it highly predictable and convenient for planning.
  • Cross-Cultural Communication: The ATWLC provides a common calendar language that can facilitate communication and collaboration across cultures.

Adoption and Implementation

The ATWLC is gaining recognition and adoption worldwide. It has been endorsed by organizations such as the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the World Calendar Association (WCA).

Various countries and regions have experimented with implementing the ATWLC. For example, the Republic of China (Taiwan) adopted a modified version of the calendar in 1999, which remains in use today.


The Around the World Lang Calendar is an innovative and comprehensive calendar system that celebrates cultural diversity, promotes global unity, and offers practical advantages. By incorporating elements from multiple cultures and traditions, it serves as a reminder of our shared humanity and the interconnectedness of all nations. As the world continues to globalize, the ATWLC has the potential to become a valuable tool for fostering cross-cultural understanding and building a more inclusive and harmonious society.

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