The Arabic Calendar Of 2025: A Comprehensive Guide

The Arabic Calendar of 2025: A Comprehensive Guide


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The Arabic Calendar of 2025: A Comprehensive Guide

2025 Calendar Printable

The Arabic calendar, also known as the Hijri calendar, is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months. It is used in many Arab countries and Muslim communities worldwide for religious and cultural purposes. The year 2025 corresponds to 1446-1447 AH (Anno Hegirae, or "in the year of the Hijrah") in the Arabic calendar.

Months of the Arabic Calendar

The Arabic calendar months are as follows:

  1. Muharram
  2. Safar
  3. Rabi’ al-Awwal
  4. Rabi’ al-Thani
  5. Jumada al-Awwal
  6. Jumada al-Thani
  7. Rajab
  8. Sha’ban
  9. Ramadan
  10. Shawwal
  11. Dhu al-Qi’dah
  12. Dhu al-Hijjah

Leap Years in the Arabic Calendar

The Arabic calendar is a lunar calendar, meaning that its months are based on the cycles of the moon. As a result, the Arabic calendar year is approximately 11 days shorter than the solar year. To compensate for this difference, a leap year is added to the Arabic calendar every 29 or 30 years. The leap year is determined by astronomical calculations and is announced in advance.

Public Holidays in 2025

The following public holidays are observed in many Arab countries in 2025:

  • January 1: New Year’s Day
  • February 10: Islamic New Year (1446 AH)
  • March 25: Isra and Mi’raj
  • April 1: Ramadan begins
  • May 1: Labor Day
  • May 22: Eid al-Fitr (end of Ramadan)
  • June 18: Eid al-Adha
  • July 11: Islamic New Year (1447 AH)
  • October 1: Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday
  • December 25: Christmas Day

Key Dates in 2025

In addition to public holidays, there are several other key dates in the Arabic calendar of 2025:

  • February 19: Ashura (commemoration of the Battle of Karbala)
  • March 21: Vernal equinox
  • June 21: Summer solstice
  • September 23: Autumnal equinox
  • December 22: Winter solstice

Cultural Significance of the Arabic Calendar

The Arabic calendar holds significant cultural and religious importance for Muslims worldwide. It is used to determine the dates of religious festivals, such as Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. Additionally, the Arabic calendar is used to calculate the age of individuals and to determine the dates of important events in Islamic history.

Conversion between the Arabic and Gregorian Calendars

To convert a date from the Arabic calendar to the Gregorian calendar, you can use an online converter or consult a conversion table. It is important to note that the conversion is not always exact due to the differences between the two calendars.


The Arabic calendar of 2025 is a rich and complex system that has been used for centuries to mark important religious and cultural events. Understanding the Arabic calendar is essential for anyone who wants to fully engage with Arab culture and society.

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